From the reality point of view : RISE

Look at you, look at your dreams, look at your hopes, look how far back you have come , look at where you want to go, achieve, rise up, don't give up, success is just on the corner.

Cherish the little achievements, that's all you have and hopefully this could motivate you for the bigger moments. Waking up every morning like you have just been born, don't care if you slept hungry, don't care if no one knows you, put on a afresh smile and move on, it's gonna take time I know it will but it will be worth it.

You haven't seen the worst, things will get tough.....even your campus girlfriend will be taken away by some rich married guy, don't get pissed , just get over it, you will be called all kinds of things broke, stingy, mean, poor. The fact is that you are broke, so don't try to prove anything, stay focused and one day you will rise again , you will find the rightful , the best for you and you won't need to plead to be loved.

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Probably you haven't walked under Kampala's scorching sun after munching on Kikomando buffet, knocked on offices applying for jobs, the worst part of it they won't even notify you that you weren't considered, you will regret why you spent a lot of money going to school when a primary school drop out on his Bodaboda is better off than you, probably your Mum could have told you study hard when you were still in school cause "ekalamu tejunda" literally meaning education will never fail you, one day it will pay off just one day.

The worst comes to the worst when the rains are on ,you have to walk by the roadsides, pothole water splashed on your only trouser by those cruising in good cars, you ask yourself how different you are from them, you ain't different it's just a matter of time.

Friends you used to call friends will nolonger be friends, they won't pick your calls since you always trouble them with the endless requests for a ka 10 k which of course you never pay it back , you won't go for class get togethers/reunions because you feel out of place, can't afford to pay for drinks, can't speak the same work language, perhaps you will show up in your baggy pants and an arsenal jersey shirt and embarrass everyone, regardless don't lose your focus,it's just a matter of time.

I wrote this piece thinking of the recent graduates who could have been so expectant joining the working class right away after school, but guess what it's actually joining the unemployed class. This should not stop you from celebrating your achievement, you overcame that bother and another struggle just began and please embrace it ,keep your head high, keep focused on your dreams, have discpline and pray to God.

For when the night is done, the sun will shine again......arise.

"I feel the need to always cheer up the youth and inspire them to greater heights." says the writer ,Joshua Aruho